equal basis

美 [ˈiːkwəl ˈbeɪsɪs]英 [ˈiːkwəl ˈbeɪsɪs]
  • 平等原则
equal basisequal basis
  1. They want all groups to be treated on an equal basis


  2. We do business with all countries , big or small , on equal basis .


  3. They reached the agreement on an equal basis .


  4. Establish a teaching system in which teachers and students engage in research and discussion on an equal basis ;


  5. It is also a vision of an Africa that is integrated in the world on and equal basis .


  6. Consultation on an equal basis .


  7. The Important Role of Interlocution on an Equal Basis in Teaching the Course of Ideology and Politics ;


  8. First , organizations interacting via Web services need to be treated as peers operating on an equal basis .


  9. Death compensation claim should be focused on an equal basis to allow the existence of a reasonable difference .


  10. In equestrian , male and female compete against each other on an equal basis .


  11. Post-90s hope to establish a relaxed working relationship on a more equal basis than their predecessors .


  12. In the society of rule by law and harmony , private interest and public interest should be protected on an equal basis .


  13. While cooperating with non-Party personage , we need to treat them on an equal basis ;


  14. We have always maintained that problems in trade and economic relations between our two countries should be appropriately resolved through consultation on an equal basis .


  15. All nations , big or small , have the right to join in discussions and decisions on arms control and disarmament on an equal basis .


  16. The accomplishments of both Jackson and Auerbach should therefore be celebrated and cherished on an equal basis .


  17. Opposition arose in Congress from some southern members who resisted providing that much money on an equal basis to blacks and whites .


  18. If the teacher and students cannot exchange their ideas on equal basis , any endeavor to probe into scientific knowledge is destined to be in vain .


  19. You are expected to bring opposing factions together , counsel or arbitrate on a fair and equal basis , or seek a satisfactory compromise .


  20. Mr Ozzie is trying to blow this up by forcing Microsoft 's developers to disclose information fully , and on an equal basis , to everyone .


  21. The experience of China and Russia in settling these remaining border disputes further shows that peaceful dialogue and fair and reasonable consultation on equal basis is an effective way .


  22. To work overtime , pp.290 think the production and operation of enterprises have slack season , enterprise and worker through consultations on an equal basis , to work overtime .


  23. However , the traditional compensation system is based on two presumptions : The directors can , on behalf of the corporation , negotiate with the executives on a fair and equal basis ;


  24. Persons with disabilities shall be entitled , on an equal basis with others , to recognition and support of their specific cultural and linguistic identity , including sign languages and deaf culture .


  25. As long as information is available on an equal basis to all , the increased speed at which transactions are executed provides tremendous benefits to investors by enhancing liquidity and cutting transaction costs .


  26. In his136-page decision , the San Francisco judge wrote that the ban prevents the state from fulfilling its constitutional obligation to provide marriages on an equal basis .


  27. The last comes to the conclusion part , criticizing the phenomenon of hegemony and proposing that translation activities be conducted on an equal basis so as to retain cultural connotations and promote cultural communications .


  28. Anti-monopoly legislation is the instinct demand of the market economy . To make anti-monopoly law should form a competition on an equal basis outlook , design and establish a rational legislation frame of the anti-monopoly law .


  29. From the viewpoint of the author , the food diplomacy is the supplement of American economic assistance diplomacy , is the important parts of American foreign policy toward the third world countries during the Cold War on an equal basis .


  30. With unified provisions for the entry , protection , and management of foreign investment , the new law aims to improve the transparency of China 's foreign investment policies and ensure foreign-invested enterprises market competition on an equal basis with domestic firms .
